Sunday, May 17, 2020

Essay on Good vs Evil Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - 1819 Words

The world as we know it is constantly moving and changing; events occur that can affect people’s lives even if they are thousands of miles away. Whether or not these happenings are good or evil can shape one’s mindset and outlook on the actions they take themselves. Both have distinct strengths and weaknesses; however, the real question one must ask is which side of the spectrum is more capable of influencing humanity. In Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde written by Robert Louis Stevenson, a wealthy and well-respected doctor by the name of Henry Jekyll, who believes that man is not one but two separate people, constructs a potion which unearths his inner evil (Mr. Edward Hyde), and in the end is engulfed by the strength of his malevolent persona.†¦show more content†¦Some believe that it is influenced by the world surrounding them, or perhaps by personal experiences. It could be that we are exposed to the concept of it at such an early age that we are given our lives to ponder what we prefer. It is also said that depravity is laced in our genetics, passed on through generations. Whatever the case, the demons inside us can at times be inescapable. If it is true that somewhere in our destiny lies evil, it is impossible to hold back. It is a natural instinct for those who are given that gene to do horrible things, and that overpowers the choice they are given not to. In an article addressing the source of evil which discusses well-known figures such as Adolf Hitler, it is written that recent studies have shown the evidence of behavior and personality in DNA. The author of the article believes that it is impossible to attain such tendencies through inheritance. He states, â€Å"The fact that one child may turn into a bully or become a criminal and another not remains a tantalising mystery, and one that scientists cannot possibly explain in simple terms of DNA† (Masters). Masters is suggesting that the transformation from good to bad is a complic ated process that involves many elements. It is an intriguing thought, how a mind can shift from one side to the other. The influence of evil is all around and it becomes a task to ignore what is being so aggressively thrown upon a person. One incident can have the power to spoilShow MoreRelatedGood Vs Evil : Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde1724 Words   |  7 PagesGood Vs Evil â€Å"Magic, Mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?† the Snow White Queen questions the magic mirror in the classic fairytale Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (The Grimm Brothers). The Queen wants the mirror to proclaim that she is the fairest of them all; but instead the mirror hails Snow White. Then, the Queen transforms into a witch in order to be the fairest of them all, similar to the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde transformation. 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